Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top Reasons No One is Visiting Your Social Media Sites

Reason #1 Lack of consistency
This is one of the most common issues with social media use. A well-meaning business owner takes the time to build a few social media accounts, posts for a few days and then neglects to keep up with regular posting. This is not surprising because many people are just too busy to manage social media all the time. To fix this issue, schedule posts in advance using a social media management tool, or assign an administrator to post on a consistent basis.
Reason #2 Missing brand
Just like a business has a certain image, so too should your social media campaigns. Lack of a branded presence in social media can easily confuse followers from one platform to another. This can result in lower numbers of followers and lack of relationship building opportunities. To revitalize your social media networks, take the time to develop a meaningful brand and promote it across all your accounts.
Reason #3 Forgotten audience
When you write social media posts, are you using this medium for your own personal venting, to bash your competitors, or to talk about the weather? The key to successful management of a social media plan is to talk about things that may interest your target audience. Consider where your visitors are coming from, what’s new in your industry, and what your customers may be looking for in terms of content. Never forget that your most important audience is your followers list.
Reason #4 Poor relationships
If you have low numbers of followers, or if sharing has tapered off, perhaps it’s because you are not taking the time to nurture relationships with your fans. Social media was designed to help people connect through dialogue and information sharing, so without this element it will fall flat. Take the time to personally greet each new follower, and reach out to at least 10 people on your followers list to engage them in their interests.
Reason #5 Too sales oriented
The decision to go into social media for business promotions is fairly common, but when it becomes a playground for constant sales pitching, this is a serious turn-off. People get easily annoyed by sales promos being displayed on social media pages and they will either tune you out or disconnect from your social media pages. Sprinkle sales promotions very lightly in between informative posts, fun contests, and comment seeking polls and questions.
Despite the challenges that some face, social media remains a number one way to get in front of more people to share ideas and business offerings. When used wisely, social media can produce above average marketing results and help you to build your networks quickly. Make sure you focus on fostering relationships in a strategic way and try the above tips to get more followers over time. If you notice you are making one of the above mistakes, take action to correct it and don’t beat yourself up.

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